スピーカーの音質はスピーカーの大きさに比例すると言われています。特に、低い音域に関してはスピーカーが大きいほど豊かな低音が出ます。手に持つことができる大きさの「Something to Touch」は、低音を出すためスピーカーの筐体に大きな筒状のダクトを有するバスレフ構造を採用しています。滴の形をした「Something to Touch」は、限られた大きさの中で長いダクトを構成するための工夫から生まれました。この構造により手に持てる小さなスピーカーからは想像のつかないような豊かな低音を出すことができます。
It is said that the sound quality of a speaker is proportional to the size of a speaker. Especially, a large speaker makes rich low-pitched sound. "Something to Touch" of the size which it can have in a hand has adopted the bass reflex structure in order to make low-pitched sound. A drop form of "Something to Touch" was borne by the device for constituting a long duct in the limited size. Rich low-pitched sound which no one can expect from such small speaker came to be possible thanks to this structure.
Ideal speaker is that inside is soft, and outside is hard. Japanese lacquer demonstrates not only the use as a beautiful paint but reinforcement material and it is also excellent as adhesives. Especially, the Wajima-lacquer is sturdier than other lacquer ware as Wajima-technique puts many layers for painting. Wajima-technique is also good for speaker as it uses the ginkgo tree as a base wood, which enables the inside of the body soft. According to “before and after (painting) test”, the sound after painting was obviously better than before in terms of low-pitched sound.